
Global Cosmetics Industry Fully Supports North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) – Sector Poised for Ambitious Agenda

 October 11, 2017 –  The U.S. Personal Care Products Council (PCPC), Cosmetics Alliance Canada (CA), and the Mexican Cámara Nacional de la Industria de Productos Cosmeticos y la Asociación Nacional de la Industria del Cuidado Personal y del Hogar (CANIPEC) strongly support the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and are hopeful that the current negotiations […]

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New Health Minister Appointed

New Regulatory Cooperation Website

Prime Minister Trudeau undertook a midterm shuffle of his cabinet recently which included the appointment of New Brunswick MP Ginette Petitpas Taylor as the new Minister of Health. Enclosed is a bio on the new Minister. Cosmetics Alliance is currently arranging with the Minister’s office a meeting to discuss the Self-Care Products Regulatory Framework and other key issues.  Our letter […]

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Health Products and Food Branch’s Stakeholder Bulletin

Product License Amendment and Notification Form

Last fall, Health Canada’s Health Products and Food Branch distributed their first Stakeholder Bulletin, which came about as a result of requests for more information about Branch business, activities and events.  As the House of Commons has risen for the summer, the Health Products and Food Branch has recently issued their second Stakeholder Bulletin which outlines the […]

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Cosmetics Alliance’s Spring Regulatory Workshop

This year’s Spring Regulatory Workshop was held on April 27 in Gatineau, Quebec.  Attendees gained critical information and valuable insight from industry and government experts on a variety of issues and topics. Highlights included: • Updates on Plain Language Labelling and the Canadian Drug Facts Table • The path forward for In-Commerce List Substances • Updates […]

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Sunscreen Pilot Used to Promote Canada/U.S. Trade by Federal Minister

Canadian Federal Minster Scott Brison used the recently initiated Health Canada pilot for the importation of U.S. sunscreens as a leading example of the achievements in regulatory cooperation between Canada and the United States.   The Minister was heralding the benefits of Canada-U.S. regulatory cooperation in a keynote address at the Great Lakes Economic Forum […]

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